Thursday, June 28, 2007


ooh la la! These are some of my costumes I made for the past few years. I get a lot of inspiration from my connection with Big Nazo Puppets and I learn a lot from them. I won a couple high school contests with them, got some free ice cream.

This is Grandfather Wolf. I made him in my junior year of high school. He is a goofy old thing, graying on the edges. He is made of foam, nylon, latex, acrylic, fur and ping pong balls. I love him, he is the grandfather we all wished we had.

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In my senior year I made a play off my zodiac (leo) with Leonine. I think of the headdress itself as something for a lion tamer to wear. It's made out of foam, acrylic, nylon, latex, fur and wood shavings. I paired it with face paint for an abstract lion, rather inspired by circus entertainers. The rest of the outfit was black pants and shirt with fur and detail-stitched pleather details on the forearms, calves and of course a tail. I liked the abstract minimalism of animals. I want to make more animals like this, a troupe.

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This year (college freshman) I didn't have much time (this is art school) but I threw together what I lovingly call my underwater glove love monster. He's made of foam and latex and acrylic with puff paint details and lots and lots of rubber gloves I had left over from another project. He doesn't speak, just floats listfully and looks for tentacally hugs. I made the tentacles the same way as the head, then glues them to a cut off blue sweatshirt. I wore a black bodysuit under that with more gloves pinned to the bottoms so they swished around a lot when I walked. It was ridiculously hot in this costume, but a small boy fell in love with me and wanted to hold my tentacle all night.

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